
Back after hack!

Yesterday this site was attacked and subsequently closed down by the provider. While it was easy to get what little files the server had (most is elsewhere anyway) from a backup, implementing more stringent security measures was not!

Kudos go out to my friend Chris! Without his profound help could have been gone forever.

But I am happy to report that all is back and well! In addition, we are now graded “A” on SecurityHeaders.

Blue skies,


Into the Pyrenees!

We (only Jörg & me this time) decided to continue the France bush trip as Chergo was still not available. Next time then!

We continued to marvel at the beautiful landscape, but later had to battle the weather and the mountains enroute to our first altiport landing.

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Vive la France!

We (only Jörg & me this time) decided to start a new bush trip as Chergo was not available and we did not want to spoil the end of our Patagonia bush trip for him.

We have never flown in France before so we were curious what to expect from this trip. And we were in for a surprise.

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Patagonia again!

We (Chergo, Jörg, me) covered a lot of ground flying legs 8-13 of the bushtrip in Chile and Argentina.

From deserts to mountains this legs seemed to be the most beautiful, certainly with foto opportunities around every corner. MSFS landscape generation really shines in this part of the world.

Thx to Chergo there is also a small video to watch with us battling side winds near Laguna Redonda Airport.

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Diecast Real

The Chevy is ready!

I finally found the time to finish my runner up car from the 2012 and 2013 season of the Virtual Racing DOM (Deutsche Online Meisterschaft). This was the most prestigious series I ever raced in and I am very proud to have this model in my collection now.

This model concludes my collection of the virtual cars I raced during my online career with Virtual Racing e.V. from 2005 to 2013.

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Let’s fly Patagonia

We (Chergo, Jörg, me) started this new adventure a couple of weeks ago and have now covered close to half of the 875 NM required to finish this trip over a very different place to fly.

You really get the feeling you are on the edge of the world, there is barely anything out there other than beautiful water bodies and landscapes and the very occasional settlement.

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Bronco in Denmark

We (Chergo, Jörg, me) made a nice crossover trip between Denmark and Sweden this time, taking in the sights along the way, first and foremost the Öresund bridge, the worlds longest cable-stayed bridge for car and railway traffic.

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Germany Bushtrip Finished

We (Chergo, Jörg, me) finally got together this late in the year to do the final leg of the Germany bushtrip. Flying over Bavaria most of the time, but also into Austria, the transitions to the nearby alps can be quite drastic, but all the more spectacular to view.

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Bronco in Italy

I tried a new plane this time, the OV10 Bronco. A great tool for sight seeing. Fast, nimble and with good visibility. Jörg joined in on this flight from Bolzano to Sondrio Caiolo.

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Bad Weather!

It is the time of year you can encounter really bad weather over Europe. On this flight Chergo, Jörg and I had to battle severe headwinds, rain and ice to get to our destination.

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