Pontiac51's Slot Race
8 drivers on this final. The top positions in the championship allready clear, only in the midfield some things had to be sorted out. "Manuel", "Sam" and "Kleiner" in for the run up to a higher position. For all others it was just "cosmetics" to their final point standings.
Qualify Results  
Pos. Name Nick Time (sec) Class  
1. Robert Graf Pontiac51 6,2617 A  
2. Thomas Galter Kleiner 6,3164 B  
3. Wolfgang Peham Viking 6,3164 A  
4. Samuel Pitters Sam 6,5352 B  
5. Nathalie Viechtbaur Nathalie 6,7031 A  
6. Uwe Schmid Suom 6,8086 B  
7. Manuel Hausleithner Nathalie 7,1406 A  
8. Christina Andesner Christina 7,5820 B  
So "Suom", "Sam", "Kleiner" and "Christina" competed in Class B.
Class B
Driver\Lane Yellow Blue Red Green pts. final
Suom 0/4 10/10 0/0 0/6 30 B
Sam 6/0 10/10 0/0 6/0 32 A
Kleiner 10/10 10/10 6/6 6/0 58 A
Christina 4/6 4/6 0/4 0/0 24 B
"Kleiner" winning this class, "Sam" a little bit more constant then "Suom", "Christina", tough her first race this season, had less DNF's then these two.
So "Nathalie", "Viking", "Pontiac51" and "Manuel" were in Class A.
Class A
Driver\Lane Yellow Blue Red Green pts. final
Viking 6/4 10/6 6/10 0/4 46 A
Manuel 0/0 0/6 6/10 3/0 25 B
Nathalie 4/0 6/6 10/10 0/3 39 B
Pontiac51 0/4 10/6 10/10 0/0 40 A
"Viking" wins this class, failing only once, "Pontiac51", in the fight with "Nathalie", had more wins but it was only second place. "Manuel" did score one win but 5 DNF's made it impossible for him to get up to A.
"Manuel, "Nathalie", "Christina" and "Suom" would settle pos. 5-8.
Driver\Lane Yellow Blue Red Green pts. pos.
Suom 6/4 10/10 10/10 6/10 66 5.
Manuel 0/0 10/10 0/0 0/4 24 7.
Nathalie 4/6 10/6 0/6 0/0 32 6.
Christina 4/6 6/3 0/0 4/0 23 8.
"Suom" sure had a better run this time, no DNF and only 3 wins he didnt score. "Manuel" with more wins but less points then "Nathalie" and "Christina" only one point behind him.
"Viking", "Kleiner", "Sam" and "Pontiac51" would settle pos. 1-4 in this A-final.
Driver\Lane Yellow Blue Red Green pts. pos.
Viking 4/6 10/6 10/10 0/6 52 2.
Sam 0/4 6/4 6/10 0/4 34 3.
Kleiner 4/3 10/10 10/10 0/4 52 1.
Pontiac51 0/0 6/6 0/0 0/0 12 4.
"Kleiner" and "Viking" that have quite a fight for the win today, finaly it was "Kleiner" who had more wins on his table. "Sam" was in there for 3rd, "Pontiac51" unconcentrated in this final, his worst race this season with 6 DNF's.
So the "Grand Prix Champion Trophy" was for "Kleiner", the "Pole Position Trophy" for "Pontiac51", the "Runner Up Award" for "Viking" and the "Steadiness Award" for "Christina". Finaly a "Eagle Woman Award " for "Nathalie".
So the millenium season is over, here are the thoughts of the top 3 about it:
Nathalie: Well im quite satisfied, i didnt think it would be that easy grabbing third place, but then "Reaper" wasnt in for the last two races and so i got it.
Pontiac51: Well, it looked like i was in there for a fight for 1st, but my last two races are possible the badest ones i have driven so far. Luckily "Nathalie" was not in reach to get me off 2nd today.
Viking: This was quite an exciting season for me. It may look not so sharp on the point standings as it really was. And what i'm really wondering about is: Who wants to stop "Kleiner" next season?
Congrats to all drivers, thank you, ladies and gentleman, for an exiting season. The Pontiac51 Raceway will be back after the winter break. Till then, go fast, turn left...